The energy in terms of calories

by Sheerine
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How much energy you need depends on your body type, age, gender and the amount of physical activity you do.

How many times did you hear someone saying that is trying to lose weight with some “detox diet” or diet really low in calories? Most of the time these kinds of diets leave people with no energies due to a dramatic decrease in food and essential nutrients which supply the body with energy.

Energy sourced from the three main nutrients found in the food we eat, such as:
1. Carbohydrates
2. Fats
3. Proteins.

Our body can cope with emergencies such as a sudden reduction or starving, but just for a limited period of time. When something like this happens, the body uses its fat storage, and in extreme cases its muscle stores to produce the energy it needs. But this is not the best way to lose weight and fat percentage.

Talking about energy, we can calculate the energy we gain from food in kilocalories or, most common, in calories.

Here some useful informations:
– 1 gram of fat supplies the body with 9 kcal
– 1 gram of carbohydrate supplies the body with 4 kcal
– 1 gram of protein supplies the body with 4 kcal

Based on this you could easily calculate how many calories you take during the day and try to have a balanced healthy diet.

How do you know how many calories your body needs during a normal day?

The daily energy requirement is made by the Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) plus the Physical Activity Level (PAL).
The BMR is the amount of energy that our body needs to keep our vital functions going (usually 60-75% of the total energy expenditure).
The PAL is the number of calories that our body needs to support us with energy during physical activities (usually 15-30% of the total energy expenditure). Here below you can find a table showing based on statistics how much energy different types of people need each day.

Based on this information you can find online few BMR and PLA table and check how many calories you should take during your day.
If you need more information about this you can just send us an email and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

After you find out how much calories you need during the day and how much calories you are taking during the day you can easily notice if you are having a balanced diet in terms or calories intake and calories expenditure.

If the calories intake it’s equal to the calories expenditure than your body weight will remain the same. Otherwise: if calories intake > calories expenditure you will gain weight; if calories intake < calories expenditure you will lose weight.

I hope you enjoyed this post and you found these information useful for you.

Thank you for stopping by and have a good day!!

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